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Happy Family

Birth Equity Project

Erie Niagara AHEC is working to combat maternal health obstacles seen in black and brown moms in our community. We want to educate and empower women during their pregnancy and birth. The Birth Equity Project is exclusively funded by the Health Foundation for Western and Central New York. Learn how Erie Niagara AHEC is working to make a difference in the health outcomes of moms and babies in our community.

“... Rarely has there been a program providing the training AND resources for such a need. This area is well overdue for what AHEC is providing ... We NEED this! I'm so grateful and proud to be a part of such an impactful movement. I'm excited to educate mother's about the birth world and look forward to serving my community!”

Chinelle Smith, Doula

"I've had 5 children, 5 different experiences, each experience worse than the last. I was uneducated and after taking the doula training I realize I never received the proper care. I want to make sure black women have someone to advocate for them so no one has to receive the lack of care that I did."

Tiffany Blackmon, Doula

Image by Jonathan Borba

Expectant Moms

Expectant moms can apply to be a part of the Birth Equity Project. You will be paired with a doula, offered supplemental trainings, and provided with wrap-around services. 

Doulas are non-medical birth coaches who assist women during the prenatal, labor & delivery, and postpartum stages. They provide continuous emotional, physical, and informational support throughout each stage, and can serve as an advocate and educator for pregnant women. Doulas are dedicated to ensuring each mother has a healthy, positive, and satisfying birthing experience.

For more information, contact:

(716) 835-9358 ext. 102

Why Having a Doula Matters


  • 35% fewer negative birth experiences

  • Less use of pain medications

  • Lower preterm birth rates

  • 39% fewer cesareans (c-sections)​

  • Higher APGAR (Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration) Scores

  • Greater likelihood of shorter labor time

  • Increased rates of breastfeeding​​​

Perks for Participants


  • Free doula services throughout pregnancy

  • Monthly stipends for program participation

  • Help with housing, transportation, baby supplies, etc.

DOULA interview with DaniseWBLK - Yasmin Young
00:00 / 03:42

In this interview, Erie Niagara AHEC's Former Executive Director, Danise Wilson, discusses the need and benefits of using a doula.

Become a Doula with Erie Niagara AHEC

Doulas are birth coaches that provide soon-to-be mothers with emotional, social, and physical support needed during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. Doulas meet clients' needs by creating a non-judgmental relationship and providing:

  • Birth planning

  • Information on pregnancy process

  • Teaching comfort measures 


Interested in becoming a doula? You will be required to attend a 3-day training, participate in supplemental courses, and shadow experienced doulas in the field to become a

Medicaid-eligible provider.

Sign up for our newsletter to be informed of updates!

For more information, contact:

(716) 835-9358 ext. 107

Doula program participants

Are You a Current Doula?


If you are a practicing doula in Erie or Niagara County, contact us to learn more about Doula Collaborative of WNY!

What does Doula Collaborative of WNY do?


  • Discuss experiences in the field

  • Updates on protocols

  • Information on Erie County Doula Pilot Program 

  • Plan and discuss doula advocacy 

For more information or to join, contact:

(716) 835-9358 ext. 107

Erie Niagara Area

Health Education Center 

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This project is supported in part by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under Grant number U77HP16459, as well as in part by the NYS Department of Health, under the project title New York State Area Health Education Center System.  The information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the NYS or U.S. Governments.

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